Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Frame Counter v0.2

enjoy :)

//Alfonso Sicilia
//Create FrameCounter v0.2
//Load and execute the script , this will auto create
// 1 shelf buttons on the current active shelf
//for switch the FrameCounter On and off .
//Thanks to my friend Lele "Midori" for the new cool one button
// switch version.

scriptToShelf "FcNt " " proc LeleAlf_dispFrCounter (int $sect, int $block){\r\tif (`headsUpDisplay -ex LeleAlf_CounterFrame`){\r\t\theadsUpDisplay -rem LeleAlf_CounterFrame;\r\t}else{\r\t\theadsUpDisplay -section $sect -block $block -lfs \"large\" -dfs \"large\" -command \"currentTime -q\" -atr LeleAlf_CounterFrame;\r\t}\r}\rLeleAlf_dispFrCounter (9,7);" "1";
editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;



Anonymous said...

huge!!! hugeeeee alfonso!!
thanks very much, really helpfull!!!!!!!

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

hey afonso
oliver told me about your scrip, i´m trying to run on mac maya 7, is that possible? i get this menssage

{\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset77 TrebuchetMS;}

\f0\fs25\fsmilli12610 \cf2 \cb3 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////\uc0\u8232 //Alfonso Sicilia\u8232 //Create FrameCounter v0.2\u8232 //Load and execute the script , this will auto create\u8232 // 1 shelf buttons on the current active shelf\u8232 //for switch the FrameCounter On and off .\u8232 //Thanks to my friend Lele "Midori" for the new cool one button\u8232 // switch version.\u8232 \u8232 \u8232 scriptToShelf "FcNt " " proc LeleAlf_dispFrCounter (int $sect, int $block)\{\\r\\tif (`headsUpDisplay -ex LeleAlf_CounterFrame`)\{\\r\\t\\theadsUpDisplay -rem LeleAlf_CounterFrame;\\r\\t\}else\{\\r\\t\\theadsUpDisplay -section $sect -block $block -lfs \\"large\\" -dfs \\"large\\" -command \\"currentTime -q\\" -atr LeleAlf_CounterFrame;\\r\\t\}\\r\}\\rLeleAlf_dispFrCounter (9,7);" "1";\u8232 editMenuUpdate MayaWindow|mainEditMenu;\u8232 \u8232 \u8232 \u8232 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////}
// Error: {\rtf1\mac\ansicpg10000\cocoartf824\cocoasubrtf410 //
// Error: Syntax error //
// Error: {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red156\green246\blue212;\red0\green90\blue83;} //
// Error: Syntax error //
// Error: {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red156\green246\blue212;\red0\green90\blue83;} //
// Error: Syntax error //
// Error: {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red156\green246\blue212;\red0\green90\blue83;} //
// Error: Syntax error //
// Error: {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red156\green246\blue212;\red0\green90\blue83;} //
// Error: Syntax error //
// Error: \paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh8400\viewkind0 //
// Error: Syntax error //

thanks for your help

Alfo_O said...

Hi Daniel, i tryed to write an email to you but seems that the address is not working. Anyway

Try createing a new shelf button and paste this code inside it , this should work for mac too, (is a simple mel script) when you press one time it will create the framecounter, if you press again, it will delete it.

///Alfonso Sicilia
///Create FrameCounter v0.2
///create a new shelf button and paste this code inside it
///for switch the FrameCounter On and off .
///Thanks to my friend Lele "Midori" for the new cool one button
/// switch version.

proc LeleAlf_dispFrCounter (int $sect, int $block){
if (`headsUpDisplay -ex LeleAlf_CounterFrame`){
headsUpDisplay -rem LeleAlf_CounterFrame;
headsUpDisplay -section $sect -block $block -lfs "large" -dfs "large" -command "currentTime -q" -atr LeleAlf_CounterFrame;
LeleAlf_dispFrCounter (9,7);


Let me know if is working.
